Request your learning resource We need some information about your learning resource. Please complete the following form and we will try to upload your data to our systems so we can create your workbook. Give us some time to respond. Note: we do not share your e-mail with third parties. We will only use it to contact you about this request. Thank you.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.NameFirstLastEmail *Short description for your learning resource *What is your learning resource about? This will be shown as the main descriptor on the front page. Example: "Short vowel sounds 1/2". 75 characters maximum.Long description for your learning resource *This is a more detailed description regarding your learning resource. You can add some specific information about the goal of the learning resource. Example: "In this lesson we will learn all the short vowel sounds through word samples". 250 characters maximum.Your words and sentences *Please upload your words and sentences in the following format: word, sentence (new line). Example: cat, The cat was on the roof.Submit